assimilating the experience of you (for Bill)
we shook hands when we met
three fingers fanned and arched like palmfronds shading
thumb and forefinger that grasp the drinkingtab
of your carryout coffeecup, steamcurlicues
around them just like morningfog around tall buildings in The City
two fingers extract one cigarette from freshpack,
your cupped windbreak hand a shadowy vaulted secretchamber
until illumined by the lighter's quickflame just like sudden
transbaytunnel thirdrail electricity or
inspiration with desire
your hands just once held mine; we danced
four thoughtful fingers lounge against your cheek and jaw
in individual attitudes like streetpeople posturing for sparechange
as you listen to me, chin on palm
five fingers bask like sunning sealions on the promontory of your knee
one finger emphasizes salient points about which you feel strongly
i wish i wish i wish that it would point the way to me
i can't even
to contemplate your
Thea Chesley